Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Off to college I went

First day of College.  I remember it like it was a few days ago.  Me all bug eyed at the new surroundings of people and MTS mobility and Rogers Wireless at two opposite ends of the big campus hall trying to sell new students new phones for a new year.    
Okay so monday was my first day at College.  Yes, it is probably one of the best things that I have chosen to do with my life!  Because in two years I will be done this course and get a good job!  Thats usually how College goes:
Tasha's College Bucket List
Go to college 
- Buy College stuff with their logos written all over it
- Get good grades (no sleeping in class anymore..)
- Graduate
- Get dream job or just get a job that fits within your high standards

 I know that it's only been three days but it's a great place.  My professors that I have met so far are pretty cool.  One class I get to work on my MacBook all class, another class I'm drawing and sketching the whole time.  Thats only two classes, but so far but they seem pretty chill!  Computers + sketching = a beautiful combo for Graphic Design people like me!

Okay so I know that I have been slowing down a lot on my blogging but I'm going to try and attempt to write a bit every second day or so.  I'm on my spare right now, but soon this spare will be 90% homework and the 10% I will try and blog!

-Tasha xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Glad you're enjoying it. I'm sure you're going to find it very satisfying.


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