Okay so monday was my first day at College. Yes, it is probably one of the best things that I have chosen to do with my life! Because in two years I will be done this course and get a good job! Thats usually how College goes:
Tasha's College Bucket List
- Buy College stuff with their logos written all over it
- Get good grades (no sleeping in class anymore..)
- Graduate
- Get dream job or just get a job that fits within your high standards
I know that it's only been three days but it's a great place. My professors that I have met so far are pretty cool. One class I get to work on my MacBook all class, another class I'm drawing and sketching the whole time. Thats only two classes, but so far but they seem pretty chill! Computers + sketching = a beautiful combo for Graphic Design people like me!
Okay so I know that I have been slowing down a lot on my blogging but I'm going to try and attempt to write a bit every second day or so. I'm on my spare right now, but soon this spare will be 90% homework and the 10% I will try and blog!
-Tasha xoxox